
Dental Assistants


Dental Assistants working with Drug Users

Dental Assistants are used to working with patients who are suffering from poor dental hygiene. Statistics show more than 10.5 million people in the United States are affected by drug and alcohol use. Substance abuse is easily recognizable by Dental Assistants. Many parents are left completely dumbfounded when the Dental Assistant has to inform them that their child appears to have a drug dependency and it is affecting their oral health. Types...



What Is Dental Bonding

When you have a broken, chipped, or stained tooth, then worry no more! There is a procedure that would help you make your broken, chipped or stained tooth look like a new tooth again without worrying how much you’ll spend. It’s called dental bonding, and many people with problems such as yours now have the most amazing smiles after they went through it. Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry...