Dos & Dont’s After Tooth Extration

Tooth Extration


Dos & Dont’s After Tooth Extration

Dental extractions are among the easiest and best ways to get relief from a toothache. As the name implies, an extraction involves removing the tooth. If your pulp has died or the tooth has become severely infected, extraction may be your only route. Depending on the tooth, the dentist can do either a simple extraction or a more complicated extraction. Simple extractionsThese types of extractions, the simple extractions, are the...

Weight Loss Tips


5 Super Simple Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is one of those subjects that everyone is always talking about. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing some type of weight loss message. Stories of the dangers of not losing weight appear regularly on the nightly news. Retail outlets and the Internet both are full of weight loss books and products. Weight loss is discussed in medical centers and at schools and even in the work place. If...